Termogamma group is specialized in producing customized energy efficiency solutions, both for industrial processes in various sectors and for the world of the tertiary sector for space heating and air conditioning.
Our integrated technologies are based on the following principles: cogeneration, trigeneration, free-cooling, heat recovery and use of biomass waste.
How we work with the Customer
Our engineers listen to your energy needs, collect data, and analyse the project’s feasibility drafting a preliminary study.
After discussing the preliminary study with the design department, the engineers and the design department will develop the plant study.
A team of qualified professionals will follow the authorization procedures of electrical connection, electrical workshop, Terna, and CAR requests to the GSE.
After signing the contract, our technicians start to build the plant according to your needs to offer you a tailored Made-In-Italy solution for your production process.
Our technicians will install and test your solution directly in the field to minimize the risk of interruptions and failures.
Our experts will support you remotely from day zero through our control software. They will manage the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance to offer you the best service.
Our team of professionals will follow you to verify the energy and economic returns in operation and to obtain and market the White Certificates (TEE-CAR)
Our technicians will be able to give a new life to your cogenerator that has reached the end of its hours of use, picking, optimizing, and updating the performance of your solution.
Some satisfied customers
Video interview with Giovanni Cavalieri at the Sky Business24 studios.
Registered office:
Via Casale Strozzi, 33 – 00195 ROMA (RM)
Administrative and production headquarters:
Via F.Cervi, 25 – 20863 Concorezzo (MB)
REA: RM-1441861
PEC: termogamma@pec.crservizi.info
C.F. e P.IVA: 08119070152
The Designs and all the possible variations according the Registered European Designs RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 are an exclusive Right of the owner TERMOGAMMA IMPIANTI E SERVIZI SRL and of its licensee.
The production, distribution, marketing and selling of this product and its possible variations according to the Registered European Designs RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 are an exclusive right of the owner and of its licensees.
Consequently the production, distribution, marketing and selling of these cogenerators and part of the same and their possible variations are prohibited to third parties without owner authorization TERMOGAMMA IMPIANTI E SERVIZI SRL.