Termogamma® is specialized in the production of customized energy efficiency solutions, both for industrial processes in various sectors and for the world of the tertiary sector, being, for example, usable for heating and air conditioning of rooms.
Our integrated technologies are based on the following principles: cogeneration, trigeneration, free-cooling, heat recovery and use of biomass waste.
We offer eco-friendly and tailor-made systems for the production of high-performance electricity, heat and refrigeration for industries and large administrative buildings.
Termogamma assists its customers in all stages of the process, from consumption analysis, sizing, design and construction, up to the installation and maintenance of the system, characterized by turnkey supplies, installation speed, Remote real-time monitoring system, long warranty and safe maintenance.
The origins of Termogamma come from Lombardy, where Giovanni Cavalieri, Founder and President, founded the first company in 1985.
It was the natural development of his interest in energy technologies, born working side by side with his father in the field of maintenance of heating systems, that allowed the business to expand, first at the engineering level, then consulting and finally productive, with the construction of energy solutions.
The system was installed in 1997 in Genoa to improve the energy efficiency of a leading plastics company, and since then has accumulated more than 150,000 hours of operation.
The system has a total electrical capacity of 2 MW, secured by 2 1MW engines each.
In addition to the production of electricity, the plant produces free hot and cold water useful to the production process of the company.
This system is a perfect example of what Termogamma has in mind. for reliability and long-term cooperation with its customers.
Company values explained by our CEO.
Termogamma, a company that offers industrial energy solutions, wants to bring tailoring care traceable to the needs of customers, with the aim of transforming each company into a sustainable and more independent reality.
We help you to face the Ecological Transition through the latest technologies in thermotechnical and energy; in particular with cogeneration, trigeneration and thermal recovery plants.
We offer solutions completely tailored to your needs and with low environmental impact, which is why we invest heavily in the research and development of innovative services and systems.
We provide our expertise and resources, but above all the passion to improve the energy production of your plant.
The primary objective of Termogamma is to bring added value to our customers by offering a sincere, honest and lasting relationship, but above all ensuring the safety of our plants.
Attentive listening to the needs of our partners and our full-service service enable us to take care of your needs completely.
Thanks to our expertise we can offer solutions and services with a high technological impact that allow to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also save on energy costs.
Our structure allows us to maintain a high level of adaptability concerning the needs of our customers in order to offer a customized and quality service.
Being dynamic means acting proactively and anticipating potential problems, thanks to our real-time monitoring system, responding promptly to unforeseen events.
Flexibility, for us, means adapting to the needs of our customers and being able to offer efficient and “ad-hoc” designed solutions to your needs.
We are always looking for people motivated and passionate about innovation and environmental sustainability issues.
Would you like to join the Termogamma team?
Send us your application.
Sede legale:
Via Casale Strozzi, 33 – 00195 ROMA (RM)
Sede amministrativa e produttiva:
Via F.Cervi, 25 – 20863 Concorezzo (MB)
REA: RM-1441861
PEC: termogamma@pec.it
C.F. e P.IVA: 08119070152
Cap. sociale €500.000 i.v.
Il design dei cogeneratori e di tutte le loro varianti realizzative secondo i Design Europei Registrati RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 sono di esclusivo diritto del titolare TERMOGAMMA IMPIANTI E SERVIZI SRL e di eventuali suoi licenziatari.
La produzione, la distribuzione, la commercializzazione e la vendita dei cogeneratori e loro parti e delle possibili varianti realizzative secondo i Design Europei Registrati RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 sono di esclusivo diritto del titolare e dei suoi licenziatari. Quindi la produzione, la distribuzione, la commercializzazione e la vendita dei cogeneratori e loro parti e delle possibili varianti realizzative è vietata ai terzi senza autorizzazione del titolare.
Pertanto la produzione, la commercializzazione e la vendita dei cogeneratori e loro parti secondo i Design Europei Registrati RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 o secondo le loro varianti realizzative è vietata ai terzi senza autorizzazione della società titolare TERMOGAMMA IMPIANTI E SERVIZI SRL.