Our solutions use the most innovative technologies in the field of energy efficiency and energy production.
Termogamma with passion and ingenuity integrates these technologies intelligently and efficiently, always looking for the most suitable and effective solution for the customer.
We offer eco-friendly and tailor-made systems to produce high-performance electricity, heat and cooling for industries and large administrative/residential buildings.
Termogamma assists its customers in all stages of the process, from consumption analysis, sizing, design and construction, up to the installation and maintenance of the system, characterized by turnkey supplies, installation speed, Remote real-time monitoring system, long warranty and safe maintenance.
The benefits of cogeneration explained by our CEO
BIODIESEL BPS™ (Biodiesel Production System) is a compact system that transforms vegetable oil into biodiesel.
It is a containerized plant (PLUG & PLAY) that integrates all the necessary equipment for the process.
Our solution can also include peripheral thermo-refrigeration systems. The high efficiency of the system is achieved thanks to an “ad-hoc” design and installation.
It is also available the option to employ used vegetable oil, the so-called UCO (Used Cooking Oil).
HiT™ is a high-efficiency electric heat pump that achieves maximum performance where other heat pumps stop.
It is characterized by low consumption of electricity and can provide hot water with temperatures above 70 ºC.
It is suitable for heating large buildings and industries and can also supply cooling and air conditioning, eliminating the need for additional equipment.
CTP™ are integrated solutions, designed to save or optimize internal space, useful for almost all equipment and systems.
The CTP™ system can be installed anywhere and used for a wide range of purposes.
It can be designed for example as a fully integrated boiler room, a chiller room, a transformer room, a water pumping station or even a firefighting station.
All accessories and components of the system are designed, installed and connected inside a special container (outdoor installation) or on skids with or without panels (indoor installation), and are thoroughly tested in our factories.
These integrated solutions are suitable for any building that needs heating, cooling, electricity, pumping stations or others.
Industrial-Cooling-Efficiency (ICE) is an industrial cooling system (FCCP) for cold and mild climates, compact and highly efficient.
It substantially curbs cooling energy costs in manufacturing and data centers, where cooling is needed throughout the year.
Based on the principle of free cooling, the supervision system automatically deactivates the consumption of electricity when the external temperature reaches a predefined level.
For industries in mild and cold climate areas, the system can provide this energy free of charge even over 6 months a year.
It is a smart alternative to traditional chillers.
Sede legale:
Via Casale Strozzi, 33 – 00195 ROMA (RM)
Sede amministrativa e produttiva:
Via F.Cervi, 25 – 20863 Concorezzo (MB)
REA: RM-1441861
PEC: termogamma@pec.it
C.F. e P.IVA: 08119070152
Cap. sociale €500.000 i.v.
Il design dei cogeneratori e di tutte le loro varianti realizzative secondo i Design Europei Registrati RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 sono di esclusivo diritto del titolare TERMOGAMMA IMPIANTI E SERVIZI SRL e di eventuali suoi licenziatari.
La produzione, la distribuzione, la commercializzazione e la vendita dei cogeneratori e loro parti e delle possibili varianti realizzative secondo i Design Europei Registrati RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 sono di esclusivo diritto del titolare e dei suoi licenziatari. Quindi la produzione, la distribuzione, la commercializzazione e la vendita dei cogeneratori e loro parti e delle possibili varianti realizzative è vietata ai terzi senza autorizzazione del titolare.
Pertanto la produzione, la commercializzazione e la vendita dei cogeneratori e loro parti secondo i Design Europei Registrati RCD 008814404-0001, RCD 008814404-0002, RCD 008814404-0003, RCD 008814404-0004, RCD 008814404-0005, RCD 008814404-0006 e RCD 002085936-0001, RCD 002085936-0002 o secondo le loro varianti realizzative è vietata ai terzi senza autorizzazione della società titolare TERMOGAMMA IMPIANTI E SERVIZI SRL.